
This is a python wrapper of official LINE thirft API. There are other functions which is not implemented to line like kickoutFromGroup things, so you can add other API here and use it as your way.


class line.LineAPI

This class is a wrapper of LINE API

_acceptGroupInvitation(groupId, seq=0)

Accept a group invitation

_cancelGroupInvitation(groupId, contactIds=[], seq=0)

Cancel a group invitation

_createGroup(name, ids, seq=0)

Create a group

_createRoom(ids, seq=0)

Create a chat room

_findAndAddContactsByEmail(emails, seq=0)

Find and add contacts by email

_findAndAddContactsByMid(mid, seq=0)

Find and add contacts by Mid

_findAndAddContactsByPhone(phones, seq=0)

Find and add contacts by phone

_findAndAddContactsByUserid(userid, seq=0)

Find and add contacts by Userid


Find contacts by Userid


Find contacts by email


Find contacts by phone


Get all contacts of your LINE account


Get all blocked contacts of your LINE account


Get contact information list from ids

Returns:List of Contact list - status - capableVideoCall - dispalyName - settings - pictureStatus - capableVoiceCall - capableBuddy - mid - displayNameOverridden - relation - thumbnailUrl - createdTime - facoriteTime - capableMyhome - attributes - type - phoneticName - statusMessage

Get group id that you invited


Get group id that you joined


Get a list of group with ids


Get profile information

Returns:Profile object - picturePath - displayName - phone (base64 encoded?) - allowSearchByUserid - pictureStatus - userid - mid # used for unique id for account - phoneticName - regionCode - allowSearchByEmail - email - statusMessage
_getRecentMessages(id, count=1)

Get recent messages from id


Get a chat room


Get josn from given url with saved session and headers

_inviteIntoGroup(groupId, contactIds=[], seq=0)

Invite contacts into group

_inviteIntoRoom(roomId, contactIds=[])

Invite contacts into room


Leave a group


Leave a chat room

_sendMessage(message, seq=0)

Send a message to id. id could be contact id or group id

Parameters:messagemessage instance

Get josn from given url with saved session and headers


Login to LINE server.


Error format


After login, make client and client_in instance to communicate with LINE server


After login, update authToken to avoid expiration of authToken. This method skip the PinCode validation step.